General Information
Travel Awards are offered through a competitive process for all PhD and MFA students at Indiana University Bloomington. A flat award of $500 is given to help support:
- Travel expenses to conferences or workshops, special training, competitions, and auditions that will benefit the student professionally
- Conferences at which the student’s work will be presented (i.e. speeches, posters or interactive design).
There are two application cycles of travel awards each year: one each fall and one each spring.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Travel Awards are awarded as university fellowships; be aware of their total financial aid need and the amount of financial aid you have already received. If you have already reached your financial aid maximum for the current semester, you may be ineligible for this award. To check how much aid you have already received and if you are eligible for the Travel Award please view Question 9 on our FAQ page.
This award is not intended to fund research. Please see Research Awards for info on awards for research funding.
GPSG Travel Awards are merit-based awards. Non-travel related funding will not be considered when reviewing applications.
If you still have questions after reviewing the following information, please read the Travel Award FAQ.
Eligibility Criteria
- Full-time enrollment in a graduate or professional degree program at Indiana University at the time of application
- Travel must occur within the specified time period to receive the Travel Award.
- Fall awards: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, of the calendar year
- Spring awards: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025 of the calendar year
- Must NOT be a member of the GPSG Executive Committee, an employee of the GPSG, or an active member of the GPSG Awards Committee reviewing applications for this specific award.
- If you are a recipient this year, you cannot apply the second time this year, but you are free to apply next and the following years (given that other criteria of eligibility are met).
If you attended more than one conference, workshop, training, competition or audition please choose only one to be considered for this award. We recommend you choose the conference, workshop, training, competition or audition for which you believe you can build the strongest application (and submit only one application package).
If an IUB graduate or professional student is co-presenting with another IUB graduate student and all presenters wish to be considered for funding, each person needs to submit a separate application package. No group applications will be accepted.